Hello Friends

This morning I was enjoying this beautiful blessing offered by the poet David Whyte. I wanted to share it with you. May the embrace of each day’s light wake you to your truest Self.   

The blessing of the morning light to you,

may it find you even in your invisible

appearances, may you be seen to have risen

from some other place you know and have known

in the darkness and that carries all you need.

May you see what is hidden in you

as a place of hospitality and shadowed shelter,

may that hidden darkness be your gift to give,

may you hold that shadow to the light

and the silence of that shelter to the word of the light,

may you join all of your previous disappearances

with this new appearance, this new morning,

this being seen again, new and newly alive.

I’m writing today to let you know of another development in the work of the Celtic Center. Before the days of our current cautions about public gatherings we were providing a monthly gathering for a Celtic Service. Those were wonderful times of gathering in silence, music, prayer, and ponderings. During our sequestered months we have provided an online version of the service, however I’m finding that the online experiences aren’t providing what is needed for many of you.   Therefore, we have decided to suspend those online services at least for now.   

That pause has opened up a wonderful question which is how to provide a way of gathering and being community with one another but now in this online setting. I don’t want to rush to an answer to that question, but some interesting ideas seem to be emerging. Soon I will write to you and let you know of these ideas for gathering, creating learning and conversation, and encouraging one another along the journey. Please watch for those ideas in your email and also in our weekly blog posts and on the website.

For now, we will say goodbye to the Celtic Service and look forward to saying hello to new ways of gathering. The conversation is developing and I look forward to being with you all in whatever way is best and most encouraging for you.   

Dia Duit (God to You) ~

Kirk Webb

Director of The Celtic Center