I Tried to Breathe in Autumn Light
Autumn neighbors itself to Winter. They are ancient neighbors and they know one another intimately. Autumn gives baskets full of Earth provision but also calls our attention to days when provision is scarce. It's the sacred way isn't it? The filling and the emptying. The Abundance revealed and the Mystery shrouded. The plenty and the ache. The soulful way. I'd like to share a poem I wrote about these sacred neighbors of Autumn and Winter.
I Tried to Breathe in Autumn Light
I tried to breathe in Autumn light
A feel of decay and life alike
The cold delicious air, sacred force
Flowed with ease through its inner course
Filled with life through breath alone
Yet left me longing at whispered tone
This tone, a pitch of dissonant chord,
A beacon down the path inward
Autumn's rhythmic march toward winter death
And I left seeking my next breath..
The seeking breath fills my lungs
But slower now and colder comes
My longing presses and seeks to know
But the heart finds breath by letting go
Kirk Webb
(Kirk Webb is the founder and director of the Celtic Center)