We Light a Flame
At the start of our events we often light a candle to signify the Divine presence and the light that has come into the world in Christ and in the Spirit. As a way of bringing our attention to that light and presence, I wrote a few words to draw us to an awareness of being embraced fully by the Spirit.
We light a flame
In the name of God, the Creator, who breathes life into every thing.
In the name of the Christ who embodies God's love and embraces life, death, and life again.
In the name of the Spirit who helps us remember who we are.
Today, I would like to make a few comments about the first line. Over the next few blog posts, I will comment on each line in turn.
“We light a flame”.
I have always loved the word “we” as it appears in blessings, invocations, and prayers. “We” is not singular or isolated. It is relational and communal. It says that our attention toward union with God is a holistic and relational attention. It is a turning of our faces together toward the One who gave our life, sustains all of life in all ways, and brings us home again and again and again. The invitation from the Spirit is not only for us all to come home to God’s-self as a future hope, but also as a present invitation to enjoy that Divine presence in each and every moment. We do this together, God’s embrace of us and our embrace of God.
There is no such thing as an individual “believer” in that sense because the “belief” is shared between ourselves, God, and all things.
There is no individual person, no matter how strong their resolve is to “believe”, who doesn’t falter in their belief from time to time. We are a forgetting people who always have the opportunity to wake up and remember who we are. In times of forgetting and walking away from our celebration of life, and love, and all things beautiful we are held by the dedication and remembering of other people on our behalf. As I forget, you can remember. And as you forget, I can remember. We remember who we are as beautiful images of God and as sustained by God in each and every moment. And when I forget then perhaps you can help me to remember that Love is always available and present and powerful. And that we are all held in that Love now and always.
“We light a flame”. As a candle is ignited, light enters, shadows appear, eyes sparkle, and attention is stirred. The radiance of the fire of the sun, which is so very central to the holding of life here on Earth, is brought into the room with us. We are grateful for that life. The manifestation of God’s presence, in Christ, is called to our mind and soul. And we are grateful for that magnificent and sustaining Love. And the light lingers, dances, and illuminates us. It falls upon all who gather near. It does not discriminate. It offers presence freely and fully. And it leaves shadows as well in which we can wonder, ask questions, hide when needed, and return to the light when ready.
The light has come into the world and the darkness has not overcome it. We light a flame to remember that the light has arrived, Life is renewed, Love is present, and we are caught aware and unaware within it. “We” are caught. Thanks be to God.
~ Kirk Webb, Director of The Celtic Center