The Celtic Christian Perspective and Practice

The Celtic Christian Course offers an encounter with Celtic Christian Spirituality through an online format that brings together seekers from across the globe. This ancient perspective has always been a relevant and vibrant way of guiding the spiritual journey through life, and it is profoundly relevant at this time in human history as there is such spiritual interest around the globe but a strong distrust of religious institutions to nurture or guide that soul-hunger.

With this course, dive deep into lessons that will guide you in learning the Celtic way, re-energize in you a delight in participating with God in all things and in all ways, and learn to care for one another and Nature more deliberately and in a manner that brings us all into deeper awareness of the beauty of Christ in and through everything. 

Gift the Online Celtic Course

Give the gift of The Celtic Christian Perspective and Practice online course. With a one time purchase, you can gift all 3 classes: Celtic Soul, Celtic Way, and Celtic Calling.

Upon purchase, you’ll receive an email with your unique coupon code. Give this code to the gift recipient so they can log in and claim their course membership.

What’s included in the course?

  • 3 separate classes, with 2 video lessons included in each.

  • Access to an exclusive course members-only Facebook Group, where you can build connections with others who walk the same journey as you and dive deeper into discussions. After joining, you’ll have access to the group indefinitely.

  • An invitation to the live, one hour group discussion per class. Each individual class discussion will happen twice a year, in a winter series (Jan/Feb/March) and in summertime (Jun/July/Aug).


“Celtic Soul” is a look into the themes and perspectives of Celtic Christianity that are relevant to our modern lives. It serves as both an overview and a deeper dive into this ancient and critically relevant way of seeing faith, life, and connection to one another and all of Creation.  Additionally, we consider the Celtic understanding of ourselves within Creation instead of over or apart from Nature, and we let the wisdom of Nature inform our understanding of God, life, and spiritual growth.   

LESSON #1 Soul Design: The Celtic Christian Perspective

LESSON #2 Nature: God’s Presence and Participation



“Celtic Way” provides teaching, discussion, and participation in Celtic Christian spiritual practices. We consider the rhythms of life - daily, yearly, and over an entire human lifespan, and we learn Celtic and contemplative practices to assist us in deepening our awareness of our connection with God. Some of these practices are familiar and others are long-silenced ways which are finding new possibilities of encouraging and assisting a vibrant faith journey.  Alongside these practices, we also notice the role of human imagination and dreams in our spiritual growth. 

LESSON #1 Imagination: Story and Art as Divine Dance

LESSON #2 Practice: Participating in Divine Relationship Over a Lifetime



“Celtic Calling” is a class focused on our relational responsibility toward one another and Earth. Tragically, our modern moment is filled with divisive and damaging ways of living in relationship with other people, cultures, and Earth. The ancient Celts believed that the way that we care for others and the way that we participate in the beautiful cycles and wisdom of Earth are at the very heart of our spiritual responsibility. This ancient way is ready to help our modern mind reorient itself toward community, care, interdependence, and restoration. At this retreat, we ground ourselves with contemplative and Celtic spiritual practices and use our imaginations and creativity to encourage loving action as the great work of Spirit-oriented life. We develop our skills to love well and participate in the redemptive work of God. 

LESSON #1 Through the Mist: Encountering God through Text,
Nature, and Relationship

LESSON #2 Relational Responsibility: Caring for Others and Nature

Gift the Online Celtic Course