Entering the Dark
During Advent, we move into a period of letting go, and acknowledge and ache for more, for provision, for life to be brought to us again.
Daily Guidance for the Practice of Prayer
I often am asked about helpful Celtic Christian prayer practices. I’d like to offer some suggestions.
In the Name of the Christ
If the word “God” is complex, the word “Christ” is equally mysterious.
Rooted in Uprooting
We must find the “still small voice” of Divine whisper amidst turmoil.
Racism and the Call to Love
A powerful spotlight has been turned upon injustice and violence.
Why Celtic Christian Spirituality?
I am often asked why the Celtic spiritual perspective has my attention and why I am willing to be guided by this ancient and modern tradition.
Let Spring Hold you Now
Breathe in the scent of Spring life. Breath deeply. Christ's beauty and redemptive power is displayed throughout the world.
Faith During a Pandemic
This time of crisis can be a time of strengthening that impulse of love, compassion, and active care that is the primary outward expression of God's inner presence.
Our Huge Ego Problem
The Creator fashioned us humanoids with an ego and intends for us to use it as one of the building blocks of self-understanding.
The Edge of the Sea
Entering nature with eyes and soul open to experience the wonders of God's creativity.
Rock, Water, Art, and Child-Like Remembering
“I can’t help but think that this child knows something very important and that he remembers something way down deep in his being.”
Fishing the Yakima River
[An} idea that my contemplative practice and my great love of flyfishing were somehow deeply connected.